I am a UNSW student completing a double degree in Design with Honours and Media with Public Relations and Advertising. Through these degrees, I am learning skills and theory about the design industry. Whilst progressing through my degrees I have gained hands-on teamwork, leadership and practical skills through my executive roles in design teams for the residential college, UNSW Hall. I have sought opportunities to gain my experience including volunteering with design professionals in Kudos gallery and with artists in project installations. In addition to this, I have produced both paid and unpaid work for friends and family. I have created branded advertising for events, website design, document layouts, print designs. I have organised and done photography for events as well as curated and designed magazines for organisations. Working with both hand-made and digital construction methods, my work is inspired by nature and everyday life. Since 2018 I have had casual holiday work in a legal firm in the Southern Highlands, developing my computing skills in scanning/photocopying and electronic filing of documents. Through working with this firm, and previously at the private school, I have developed an understanding of the code of behaviour and presentation required of staff and team member.